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Jira Cloud

Jira Cloud

by ScatterSpoke

ScatterSpoke + Jira

The ScatterSpoke + Jira integration gives users the ability to execute on the insights generated from your retrospectives. The Jira integration allows you to send your retrospective cards or action items directly to your backlog in Jira so that you can include them in your next sprint or epic.

Create Action Item & Jira Issue Simultaneously:

When creating an Action Item inside of a ScatterSpoke retrospective, feel free to tag an Improvement Goal if you'd like (more on that here), and be sure to also select the appropriate Jira Project that Action Item should correspond to. This will automatically create an issue in Jira, as well as an action item in ScatterSpoke.

View, Edit, Resolve inside Jira:

After creating the Action Item and subsequent Jira Issue within ScatterSpoke, you can now view all details of the Action Item you created in ScatterSpoke as a Jira Issue within Jira Cloud.

We hope this integration between Jira Cloud and ScatterSpoke will be a breath of fresh air to all of our users by simplifying your workflow processes.

To use this plugin, the user needs permission inside of Jira to add integrations and authenticate via Altassians OAuth flow. Read more about our Jira integration here.

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